Today’s Mission:

Whether you’ve been working on your retirement plan for years or just beginning to get around to it, your focus needs to increase as you approach the end of your working career. That final decade before retirement gives you the chance to get everything in order so you aren’t left scrambling. Today we’ll run through a list of items that you need to be paying attention to.

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(Click the featured times below to jump forward in the episode)

Strategy Points:

Each stage of retirement planning plays a key part in reaching your end goal, but things begin to ramp up a bit when you’re approaching that big day.

Today, our focus is on that final decade of work. It might seem like a long time, but taking a look at this list will allow you ample opportunity to get all of your retirement ducks in a row. To help you do this, J’Neanne will run through a wide range of items that need your attention before you’ve finished working.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive list for retirement priorities, this episode of Your Financial Mission is a great place to start. It’s not just about healthcare, retirement income, and other money items. It’s also about understanding yourself and your needs both now and as they evolve in retirement.

This show also features a hearty discussion on the new trend of wedding loans for young couples. J’Neanne gives her opinion on the topic along with some personal stories about weddings in her family.

And we’ll get to know J’Neanne better with a question about movies before taking a mailbag question from a listener worried about a market crash before she reaches retirement.

It’s a full show and we’ve provided a rundown below. Click the timestamps to skip around and listen to specific topics.

2:25 – Previewing today’s show.

3:13 – In the news: A new trend in the wedding industry: wedding loans. What are J’Neanne’s thoughts.

7:40 – What J’Neanne told her daughter about spending when she got married.

11:30 – Moving into the main topic of what you should pay attention to during your final decade of work.

12:00 – First item: Decide what’s important to you.

13:50 – Item 2: Know your numbers.

14:43 – Next item: Estimate your income streams.

16:40 – Item 4: Get a handle on healthcare.

18:45 – Final item: Think about how much your needs will change.

21:23 – When is the best time to go in and meet with an advisor to start running through these things?

23:55 – Getting to know J’Neanne: What is the most universally well-known movie that you’ve never seen.

26:49 – Storytime: Have you ever had someone take so long on a decision related to their investments that it ended up hurting them in the end?

29:11 – Mailbag question: I’m getting close to retirement but I’m worried about a market crash coming before I get to the finish line. Will I be okay for the next six months?

The Grand Plan:

[spp-tweet tweet=”Generally speaking, I tell people go ahead if you’re within three months of your birth month at 65, go ahead and sign up for Medicare. A, it’s free. If you miss the window to sign up, Medicare when you claim will be more expensive.  –Your Financial Mission“]

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The Spy Kit:

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The host: J’Neanne TheusContact – Call: (443) 718-6310